
Wearable experiences.


Big impact from tiny screens: Fitbit wearables are at the heart of a health and wellness journey that millions of people experience everyday. Over time, these wearables have also grown to include a number of smart features, thoughtfully created to be simple and intuitive, while remaining out of the way. While working at Fitbit, Analía led the design of some of these top selling and best rated wearables, including the Versa, Charge 2, and Alta family. This design work informed early product strategy, as well as collaborative work with many cross-disciplinary teams including Industrial Design, Mechanical Engineering, Firmware, and R&D.


While working across wearables, some big areas of impact included working on shared design systems, a redesign of FitOS, and designing an innovative, heart-rate based guided breathing experience named Relax.

Work Included:
Product Strategy, UX and UI Design, Hardware and ID Consulting, Design Systems, Prototyping, Animation, Branding


Fitbit Versa

A smartwatch should not feel like a smartphone on your wrist. Designed for holistic health and fitness, Versa was created in support of positive behavior change. The design and research for Versa led to a refinement of FitOS, challenging the paradigm of most app-centric smartwatches while delivering a tailored experience around insights and intuitive wearable interactions.


Charge 2

One of the biggest (and funnest!) challenges while working on Charge 2 was designing a number of interactive features on a tiny screen — with very simple interactions and only one button to play with. Creating really fun and organic celebration animations was part of that process. The Charge 2 was the first tracker to include alarms, exercise tracking by types, notifications, a stopwatch, and a brand new Fitbit feature named Relax. It has sold millions of units and earned Fitbit’s highest Amazon product rating.


Alta & Alta HR

Alta was the first Fitbit tracker to include smart notifications for text messages, calendar events, and phone calls. With a longer vertical screen than previous Fitbit devices, the design of the navigation and features also presented the unique opportunity of creating landscape and portrait views of content. As the first tracker with a larger display, Alta also led the way with new and fun goal celebrations that influenced other trackers to follow.



Relax is a feature that leverages your heart rate data to guide you through a personalized guided breathing session, supported by biofeedback. Analía led the definition and design of this feature for Charge 2, which has since been included in all new Fitbit devices. To this day it’s incredible to read about the benefits Relax can bring to users, from those using it to manage daily stress to those with more chronic conditions.


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